How do I sign in?
Create an account.
preserve data & documents?
Upload your files to our reliable server. Mobile users store files to prevent loss of data with loss of device. Versioning prevents accidental file deletion during collaboration.
access my "safe"?
Anywhere you can connect to the internet you can log in and access your files: anywhere, anytime.
share files?
Intuitive software with flexible role-based access controls allows administrators to create highly utilized and organized sharing environments. Users can share large files and bypass restrictions of email.
Secure information?
Access via a 2-screen login protects your critical information. Users are authenticated and identified as unique. Administrators can audit user's actions.
overhead, distribution costs, copying and printing cost, storage costs, training costs, travel expenses, technology costs, and data loss.
cash flow, client satisfaction, collaboration, and document survivability.
operations, human resources, management, and sales processes.
Telecommuting on the Rise
As companies search for more efficient ways to conduct business, virtual models relying on remote employees are becoming increasingly popular.
Many Small Businesses Suffer Losses Due to Computer Breaches
There are millions of businesses with fewer than ten people, and they use always-on internet connections. Many don't have professional technology staffers.